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The Loanex Fast Cash Blog is for those among us that need both cents and a good dose of sense. As one of America's fastest growing personal finance portals, The Loanex Fast Cash is here to assist consumers with a full spectrum of their personal finance needs, including credit cards, debt consolidation, , loans, mortgages & refinancing, auto finance, bankruptcy, tax debt.
In today’s economy, with a national unemployment rate nearing double digits, more and more Americans are facing massive amounts of debt. And while it can be overwhelming, you don’t have to face it alone. There are any number of debt counseling agencies and non-profit credit counseling services that can help you deal with your own [...]
Tags: debt counseling, non profit organizationFor many people, cash out auto refinance can bolster their budget, giving them a smaller car payment while giving them access to additional money to pay off other bills or boost the balance in their bank accounts.
One large financial institution reports that customers who got a cash out auto refinance received, on average, about $5,000 [...]
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