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The Loanex Fast Cash Blog is for those among us that need both cents and a good dose of sense. As one of America's fastest growing personal finance portals, The Loanex Fast Cash is here to assist consumers with a full spectrum of their personal finance needs, including credit cards, debt consolidation, , loans, mortgages & refinancing, auto finance, bankruptcy, tax debt.
22 Aug
Posted by laura as Auto Refinancing
Refinancing cars is a relatively new financial wrinkle. Mortgage refinances are more the normal water cooler conversations, but auto refinances are available and they could potentially save you some big money. Auto refinances are particularly attractive for people whose credit has improved even if only a matter of 15-20 points depending on where you were on the FICO scale. If you were down around 580 and have moved up closer to 600, that difference represents a significant enough credit change all else being equal to benefit you with a refinance.
There are conditions that cover refinances in general like the following;
vehicle is from the past 7 model years, past 5 is better but some lenders will go out to 7
you owe less than the vehicle is worth, check this with on line price guides, check what you owe with your lender ask for the payoff figure.
You must be current with your payments and it’s better to have no late payments in the last 6 months
If you meet those basic conditions and the interest rate you are offered is at least 1-1.5% lower, you should consider the switch. Don’t look to your current lender to offer you a reduction in the interest percentage, you’ll need a new source like the LoanexFastCash.com where we have lenders who specialize in refinancing cars. The process works like this the new lender pays off the old lender and executes a new sales contract with a new interest rate and terms. Some lenders may offer an extension of the contract which can also lower your payment, just be aware that the total cost of the loan may be higher if you choose this option. The whole process generally takes less than a week to complete and may even carry the benefit of a month with no payment.
A word of warning, keep track of the transaction so that you don’t end up delinquent with the former lien holder while you’re awaiting the contract with the new one. For a smooth hassle-free transaction look to the LoanexFastCash.com for all your financial needs and services.
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