Many car buyers make the mistake of going to look for a car before they have any plan about what they can afford, how they will pay for it and the kind of vehicle that will best suit their needs. Buying a car the smart ways gets these steps out of the way before you ever step on the dealer’s lot to seriously look for your next car!

Got a budget? How much can you afford to spend for buying an used car? Not just the payments, but insurance, maintenance, gasoline should be figured in to any auto budget. Don’t have a budget? Now might be great time to put one together. Knowing what you can afford to spend beforehand will help to keep you from committing to more than you should!

Shop for your financing before you go look knowing the amount per month and the terms can help to prevent getting carried away by that shiny paint and the salesman’s pitch to consider that slightly more expensive model. It can also be a great bargaining tool. No sales person wants to see you leave the lot without a car, especially if you have a pre-approved loan.

Just like you shopped for financing, you should research the vehicle. There are many websites on the internet which can provide pricing information, maintenance experience and other pertinent information to your car search. Start with what you need in a car in terms of space, mileage and reliability and then move on to some of the things you want in your next vehicle. Putting it the other way round can often saddle you with a car that has everything you want, but is missing something you need!

Now it’s time to go off to the lot and see what’s available. If the first place you shop doesn’t have what you want keep looking, You’ve taken the time to plan and research so get what you planned for. The object of putting together a plan like this is so that you don’t succumb to the temptations which we all know are out there. Where can you begin looking for financing? Well, here at is a good place to begin! Let us help you work that part of your plan!