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The Loanex Fast Cash Blog is for those among us that need both cents and a good dose of sense. As one of America's fastest growing personal finance portals, The Loanex Fast Cash is here to assist consumers with a full spectrum of their personal finance needs, including credit cards, debt consolidation, , loans, mortgages & refinancing, auto finance, bankruptcy, tax debt.
In today’s economy, with a national unemployment rate nearing double digits, more and more Americans are facing massive amounts of debt. And while it can be overwhelming, you don’t have to face it alone. There are any number of debt counseling agencies and non-profit credit counseling services that can help you deal with your own personal debt crisis.
Of course, when you are already feeling overwhelmed by the debt itself, finding a reputable debt counseling agency or non-profit credit counseling service can seem like an impossible task. But there’s help available.
A first place to check for answers is LoanexFastCash, which offers not only a lot of information about the various kinds of debt counseling agencies and non-profit credit counseling services, but also provides a simple form to fill out to help you connect with these services.
But how do you determine which debt counseling agency or non-profit credit counseling service is right for you?
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions
The Federal Trade Commission (www.ftc.gov), which is tasked with protecting American consumers, has a wealth of information, including a concise explanation of the different services offered by debt counseling agency or non-profit credit counseling services.
Questions that FTC officials suggest you ask include:
What services do you offer? Look for an organization that offers budget counseling and savings and debt management classes.
Are educational materials available for free? Avoid organizations that charge for information.
Will you help me develop a plan for avoiding problems in the future?
What are your fees? Get specific fees in writing.
What if I can’t afford to pay your fees? If they won’t help you because you can’t afford to pay, look elsewhere for help.
What are the qualifications of your counselors? How are they trained?
How are they compensated? Are they paid more if I sign up for certain services or if I pay a fee? If the answer is yes, consider it a red flag and go elsewhere for help.
What assurance do I have that information about me will be kept confidential and secure?
Friends and Family Check with organizations that you trust for help finding a debt counseling agency or non-profit credit counseling service. Many colleges, credit unions or other local financial institutions, and local agencies offer free or low-cost debt counseling. If they don’t, they may be familiar enough to steer you to a reputable debt counseling agency or non-profit credit counseling service.
Ask your friends and family: While it’s embarrassing being in debt, you should realize that you are not alone — lots of Americans are in the same boat. A friend or family member may have already been through this and can help you find a debt counseling agency or non-profit credit counseling service that they trust.
Go With
For many people, cash out auto refinance can bolster their budget, giving them a smaller car payment while giving them access to additional money to pay off other bills or boost the balance in their bank accounts.
One large financial institution reports that customers who got a cash out auto refinance received, on average, about $5,000 — or more. How much could you get? Check at the LoanexFastCash, where you can get information not only on cash out auto refinance, but also auto refinance rates.
So is cash out auto refinance for you? – Know The Basics
You must have equity in the car. That means your car is worth more than you owe on it. For example, if your car is valued at $20,000 and you owe $15,000, you have $5,000 in equity. That is money that can be yours in cash out auto refinance.
You must have good credit. To qualify for cash out auto refinance, you need a strong credit rating and a history of making payments on time.
Your Situation. To make sure cash out auto refinance is best for you, consider your individual financial picture.
Can you get a lower interest rate? Some financial experts recommend a cash out auto finance only if you can drop at least 2 interest points in your auto finance rates. For example, if you are now paying 7% in auto finance rates, you want to look for a loan that offers an interest rate of 5% or lower. This is especially true for people who have managed to improve their credit score since they originally purchased their car. A higher credit score equals a lower interest rate on a new loan.
Can you get better terms? If you are looking for a lower monthly payment on your car loan, a cash out auto refinance can give you just that. If your expenses have increased since you first bought your car, you can get a cash out auto refinance and lower your monthly payment. Be aware, however, that changing the terms could actually mean you are paying longer on the car loan.
Do you want to consolidate your bills? Many people use a cash out auto refinance to pay off other bills. Often they do this not only with the cash they receive from the cash out auto refinance, but also “rolling” the other debts into the new auto refinance. This can be beneficial, if the auto refinance rate is lower than the interest rate you are paying on the other bills.
Many people like this because it gives their budget some stability. Instead of paying many bills each month, there is only one payment and it is the same each month.
So is cash out auto refinance for you? Find out at LoanexFastCash, where you can get quotes on cash out auto refinance rates. The sooner you apply for cash out auto refinance, the sooner you’ll have more money in your pocket!
There was a time when no one would have considered a 72 month car loan because the vehicle would have become unusable well before it was paid for. Modern cars, many with warranties that will cover you beyond the mileage one typically covers in 6 years, are a different story. And, while a 72 month car loan will carry a hefty interest amount, it is a way to keep payments affordable in an age when the cost of an average car exceeds $28,000.
The 72 month car loan is not the only change in the auto marketplace. The length of time that a car owner keeps his vehicle has also been extended. R.L.Polk recently announced that purchasers of new vehicles were keeping their cars an average of 71 months and even used car owners had upped the length of time they kept their used purchases to nearly 50 months. Why are car owners doing this, the answer is not simply rooted in a new frugality, but in the improvement in the automobiles currently on the market. Properly maintained, many experts say that 200,000 miles on a vehicle aside from normal maintenance is attainable.
With automobile prices resulting in payments which formerly would have been unthinkable, the 72 month loan may be the only way for some people to afford a vehicle at all. The length of warranty varies by manufacturer of course but now more than ever regular maintenance becomes important if you want your car to last until the payments are over. And, of course, you can still trade it in early but for many people piling the balance owed on one car is not an option as it can result in a cycle from which they find it difficult to escape.
At the LoanexFastCash.com we can provide the auto loan for your next car including those of extended length. Dealer/lenders that you can access here frequently have pre-owned certified vehicles which carry extended warranties so the purchase of a used car becomes less of a concern since the vehicle has been thoroughly inspected before it’s put on the lot. In fact, auto loans of all types are available here, pre-approved auto loans, as well as secured car loans. While not all types of loans are available for all credit types, our professionals can find car financing for most types of credit.
If you haven’t been back to the Making Home Affordable website since the Obama mortgage relief plans were originally announced maybe you should. Things have changed. Many of the restrictions, fees and conditions which made the initially offered programs unattractive or unavailable to many are modified or gone. The time frame has even been extended, programs due to sunset December 31, 2012 have been extended to December 31, 2013 providing opportunities to qualify for those who may not previously.
A recent development known as Obama Mortgage Refinance Plan 2012, or 2.0 as it’s sometimes known, further opens the doors for mortgage holders who are underwater and struggling to stay in their homes.LoanexFastCash.com has the experts with all the latest information to assist you in saving your home and making your finances more secure. A conversation with a Southeastern mortgage broker confirmed that the plan is now being utilized by more homeowners but that there are still many who could benefit. As mortgage rates continue at all time lows maybe it’s time you considered the LoanexFastCash.com Obama Mortgage Relief Plan options.
Though the floor level of mortgage refinance of 80% still applies the former ceiling has been removed and people who found themselves more than 125% LTV are now eligible where formerly they were not. Many of the fees which were earlier a part of the process have been waived or reduced and in some cases an appraisal is no longer required. Veterans have had funds added to programs administered through the Army Corps of Engineers to assist them in dealing with many of their unique problems because of frequent relocations. Funds have been allocated for assistance to those whose homes were put in foreclosure because e some lenders did not follow guidelines for military personnel stationed overseas. The government has tried to remain responsive to change and to make these programs available to more people.
If the paperwork has you flummoxed get help from one of the mortgage experts you can find here to make sure that you have all the necessary documentation. While the program and all of its iterations have been set up for individuals to negotiate themselves, people who have availed themselves of assistance from advisor at sites like the LoanexFastCash.com have frequently had greater success.
When most people hear the term “debt consolidation” or “debt relief options, they think of credit cards, but with the average college student graduating with 25K in student loan debt maybe they should do a re-think. Finding a way to pay off student debt is something that many graduates would like to find a way to do. With interest rates set to double on certain student loans unless Congress acts, many students are searching for a way out. The news however, is not encouraging.
If you have a government loan through the Department of Education your best bet may be to apply for an income based debt relief plan which uses a formula to calculate how much you can pay based on discretionary income. Drawbacks include the extended length of repayment. If you are in education there are some federal and state forgiveness programs if you teach in a qualifying school or district. Americorp offers a reduction for a years worth of service to your country but anything else is questionable. Beware of debt consolidators who tell you differently!
Since the government has broad powers to compel re-payment it is difficult to escape your debt because of wage garnishment, tax refund denial and even social security implications. Private debt may be a little easier to find a way out of, though it too can be problematic. Learning how to budget and manage your money and staying current with your payments once they begin maybe your best hope. Falling behind and making erratic payments is the reason behind many graduates problems.
The LoanexFastCash has professionals who can help you to set up a plan to manage your money and keep the hassle from student debt to a minimum. Beware of those who have the easy answers and take the time to look up any debt counselor with the BBB. Reading the heart rending stories of people struggling with tens of thousands of college debt because they failed to pay and were penalized makes scary reading for any graduate just starting out in life! Get help before you get behind, look on the government websites to get the information and follow through with it. Talk to a debt counselor, get help setting up a budget if you need it but get help before you get behind!
21 Jun
Posted by laura as Auto Refinancing
Bankruptcies have been on the increase and while most people are aware of the consequences to an individual’s credit, many are not sure how to recover. If you purchased a vehicle after your bankruptcy was discharged then you are probably feeling stuck by the high interest rate that you may have been charged. Don’t be, there are ways out of the high interest dilemma, particularly if you have been paying on time and have not tried to take on more debt.
Though many banks are offering refinance auto loans on their websites, they are not looking for post bankruptcy refinances. Refinance car loans are available through lenders you can access right here and if you are approved a lower interest rate could save you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan and a significant amount on a monthly basis. At the LoanexFastCash.com we have some of those lenders, professionals who can help reduce the interest rates from those post bankruptcy auto loans with a refinance.
When to refinance a car is the next question you may well be asking. Legally, once your Chapter 7 bankruptcy is discharged you can make a new agreement but that is probably not advisable. In order to more readily access a lender who is willing to consider an after bankruptcy refinance it is probably wise to wait for at least 6 months, up to a year if you are able. A history of better management of your funds that is 6-12 months in length can incline a lender in your favor and potentially lower the interest rate he will offer you. The interest rate offered is of course the key to this whole transaction and by using a loan calculator you can see just how much you can save.
Remember that being current with all your obligations is the key. Seeking a refinance when you have been late with car payments or late on other obligations will have a chilling effect on any efforts to obtain a refinance. The basic parameters still apply; cars less than 5 years old, on which you owe less than it is currently worth. Don’t know its value there are websites than can give you that information. What you owe should be obtained from tour current lender, just ask for the pay-off figure!
See if we can help to get refinance car loan after bankruptcy!
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