Non Profit Credit Counseling - Want Debt Freedom?
What’s the difference between Non-Profit Credit Counseling and Debt Consolidation?
Sometimes when in debt, non profit credit counseling services are the only remedy. The continuing financial difficulties brought about by the "Great Recession" have produced problems for many Americans. We are here to help! Let us assist you in becoming debt free!.
Fill out the form, a professional credit counseling service will contact you to begin your path to debt freedom. Counseling is free and carries no obligation to you. We offer a range of financial services that include; debt consolidation, debt management and debt settlement programs
The Advantages of Getting free credit counseling from non profit organization
- Reduce or eliminate penalties
- Build capital and increase the cash flow.
- Stop collection calls.
- Reduce the rate of interest.
- Get rid of debt
- Formulate and execute a plan for financial freedom
- Reduce stress about debts
Want to know more about non profit credit counseling companies
Non profit consumer credit counseling can be offered by only those companies that have been granted the status of non profit by the IRS. However these companies are not compelled to offer their services free of charge.
LoanexFastCash is one of the leading sources for reputable credit counseling organization that negotiate with your lenders or creditors for debt reduction and affordable monthly payments aiding you in reducing your overall debt. For smarter way to get out of debt quickly click here to start your non profit credit debt consolidation program.
How Non Profit Debt Counseling Companies work
If you want to be sure about the non profit status of the company, you should first check the "About Us" section and find if the IRS has approved the company under clause 501(c) (3) and conferred upon it the non profit charitable organization status. This is also applicable to debt consolidation non profit organization. The non profit organizations are exempted from tax but this exemption depends on the state laws and varies from state to state. Obtain The Services Of A Genuine Company who really works for non profit.
Advantages Of Non Profit Debt Counseling Programs
- The sole purpose of the services offered by the non profit organization is to reduce the monthly payments as well as the rate of interest.
- The debt reduction is sought through minimizing or eliminating the penalties or late fees.
- These nonprofit credit counseling companies convert the multiple debts into a single debt. They accept single monthly payment and then distribute it among your creditors or lenders.
- You make one payment and the service distributes to each creditor. Though no service can guarantee that phone calls, letters and threats of legal action will cease, our experts have the relationships within the financial industry which will certainly help.
The Result
- A First Session of Free, No Obligation Counseling
- After Registration, Your Finances are Reviewed
- An Analysis of Your Financial Situation is Prepared
- Based upon that Analysis, Negotiations Begin with Your Creditors
- A Payment Agreement is reached
- One Lower Monthly Payment to Work Toward Debt Freedom
For Quality, Effective And Affordable Nonprofit Credit Counseling Services.

There is a lot of confusion on the Internet about the difference between non-profit credit counseling services and unsecured/credit card debt consolidation. Here we will try to explain the difference between the two, and to look at some of the advantages of each.

Non-Profit Credit Counseling
Main goals can vary from organization to organization:
Financial Education
- Money Management and how to Save
- Creating a Budget that works
- How to manage your Credit Cards
- Bankruptcy Education
- Insurance Education
- Homeowner Education
- Retirement Education
Credit Counseling
- A credit counselor can advise you on managing your money more efficiently;
- Offer solutions to your current financial dilemma, including:
- Debt Consolidation
- Bankruptcy
- Mortgage Loan Modification
- Short Sale
- Develop a personalized plan to help you prevent future difficulties.
Develop a personalized plan to help you prevent future difficulties.
- Pre-purchase counseling to teach you about the buying process and the lending process;
- Foreclosure Prevention: a counselor will offer you guidance on how best to avoid default or foreclosure. Working together you will explore different ways to resolve your mortgage situation;
- Reverse Mortgages: A counselor can show you the steps to getting a reverse mortgage when you are retired.
Debt Consolidation
The main goals of debt consolidation are to help you regain control over your finances, while avoiding bankruptcy, by:
Reducing your Debt and Repairing your Credit.
All Unsecured Debt is Consolidated into one low monthly payment, up to 50% less or more than you are paying now. This can include:
- Major Credit Cards (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, etc.)
- Store Credit Cards
- Gas Credit Cards
- Unsecured Loans
- Unsecured Credit
- Medical Bills
Professional negotiators contact all of your creditors to
- Reduce your interest rates as low as possible, often to 5% or less
- Get late fees and over limit fees dropped, removed from your credit record, and often refunded for up to several months back
- Arrange a payment plan where most of your payment goes toward principal, and not to interest and fees. The plan can pay off your debts completely in 24 to 42 months, as opposed to up to 25 years, if you just made your minimum payments now.
What is a Debt Consolidation Loan?
Credit Card/Debt Consolidation is not the same thing as a debt consolidation loan. A debt consolidation loan is a form of mortgage refinancing that allows you to refinance your mortgage and take out cash from your equity to pay off your creditors.
Get a No-Obligation
Debt Consolidation Quote
Reduce Bills by 50% or More
The Services
Car Loans | Auto Refinancing | Auto Insurance | Mortgage Refinance | Loan Modification | Debt Consolidation | Debt Settlement | Filing Banlruptcy
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