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Avoiding mortgage loan foreclosure is one of the hardest challenges you might ever face emotionally and financially. The Loanex Fast Cash Network of Mortgage Loan Modification Experts offers consumers piece of mind, by helping them to navigate the complicated loan modification procedure, to save their home from foreclosure, and to arrive at a mortgage payment that they can truly afford.
  • Reduce Your Mortgage Payment
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  • Settle Past Due Mortgage Balances
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Principal Reduction Alternative another HAMP program to help save your home!

Mortgage Principal Reduction can reduce the amount you owe and lower your payments!

The HAMP principal reduction program has been in place since 2010, originally designed to help homeowners whose mortgage was assured by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Now, over 100 other mortgage lending institutions have also signed on to participate in this program. Though each lending institution has somewhat different policies regarding how the program is operated here are the government requirements to participate.


You may be eligible for PRA if:
  • Your mortgage is not owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.
  • You owe more than your home is worth.
  • You live in the home carrying the mortgage you want to modify.
  • You obtained your mortgage on or before January 1, 2009.
  • Your mortgage payment is more than 31 percent of your gross (pre-tax) monthly income.
  • You owe up to $729,750 on your 1st mortgage.
  • You have a financial hardship and are either delinquent or in danger of falling behind.
  • You have sufficient, documented income to support the modified payment.
  • You must not have been convicted within the last 10 years of felony larceny, theft, fraud or forgery, money laundering or tax evasion, in connection with a mortgage or real estate transaction.
Mortgage Refinance Loans

What is Principal Reduction?

A principal reduction is an agreement between you and your lending institution that reduces the amount that you owe on your mortgage. This program was designed to assist the homeowner who finds that falling real estate values have left them owing more than the home is currently worth, a condition know as being “upside down.” Many areas of the country have experienced declines in housing values in the double digits and with the glut of foreclosures and short sales on the market the rebound which had been expected has not happened. Due to personal economic conditions you must be delinquent in your payments or worried that you will soon become so. The program is not designed for people who are able to pay their mortgage but owe more than their home is worth.

How to get a principal reduction?

Let’s begin by saying that the principal reduction programs require a significant amount of paperwork. It’s not a simple process, but the result if you are accepted and complete the negotiations with your lending institution can save your home and save you money. The has the professionals to help you every step of the way. Professionals who have been through the process with thousands of others just like you, and have achieved a very high rate of success. Principal reduction finance requires you to do the following:

  • Calculate whether your current payment is more than 31% of your gross (before tax) income. Make sure that you include all sources.
  • Fill out the application which can be obtained at completely and accurately
  • Compose a well written letter explaining the financial hardships which have made your application for mortgage principal reduction a necessity.
  • Be prepared to negotiate with our lender a mortgage amount which you can afford to pay.
Mortgage Refinance Loans

How the mortgage principal reduction program works!

You will negotiate a monthly payment amount which you must be able to afford to pay. You must pay this amount, on time for three years at which time the lending institution will grant a reduction in the amount you owe on the principal of your mortgage. Why must you pay it for three years? The government principal reduction program will result in a loss to the lending institution. Although the government provides funds to mitigate some of this loss, the net result is still a loss to the mortgage lender. They require the three years of payments to assure that you are capable of discharging the reduced mortgage amount so that they experience no further losses.

Mortgage Refinance Loans

How can you assure a loan modification principal reduction?

One way to assure a greater chance of success in a principal mortgage reduction is to seek the assistance of professional help. Help that can be found here at the has achieved success in accessing the Obama principal reduction program. Providing us your information and making sure that you follow the advice you receive and follow up and check on the progress of your application are all important to principal reduction loan modification. Principal reduction mortgage help starts here!

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