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Avoiding mortgage loan foreclosure is one of the hardest challenges you might ever face emotionally and financially. The Loanex Fast Cash Network of Mortgage Loan Modification Experts offers consumers piece of mind, by helping them to navigate the complicated loan modification procedure, to save their home from foreclosure, and to arrive at a mortgage payment that they can truly afford.
  • Reduce Your Mortgage Payment
  • Lower Your Interest Rate
  • Settle Past Due Mortgage Balances
  • Stop Foreclosure Immediately
  • Start to Rebuild Your Credit

Avoid Foreclosure - Save Home

The states which do not currently have any HHF unemployment programs are to submit their proposals by September 1, 2010 as per established guidelines, and explain the distinct needs for their particular state. The proposed funding for the states eligible for HHF as per their population levels are:





















New Jersey  


North Carolina






Rhode Island 


South Carolina 




Washington, DC     


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specialists is standing by to explain your options.
Stop or prevent foreclosure now.

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LoanexFastCash - Foreclosure Prevention Programs - Hardest Hit Fund Program And Emergency Homeowners Loan Program page

Keeping in mind the Making Home Affordable Program’s inability to aid majority of struggling home owners prevent foreclosure and save their homes, the Obama Administration proposed additional support to help financially desperate households avail favorable mortgage repayment conditions through two additional foreclosure prevention programs. The Housing Finance Agency plans to help some of the hardest hit states through the “Hardest Hit Fund” which will provide $2 billion to the states which have been affected the most as far as unemployment and foreclosures are concerned. In addition, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will support an additional $1 billion “Emergency Homeowner Loan Program” which will aid struggling homeowners who have experienced a substantial reduction in their income due to reasons such as unemployment, underemployment, medical conditions etc for up to 24 months. The objective of the two proposed programs is to provide stability to an already fragile housing market by helping responsible homeowners in reducing their monthly mortgage payments to affordable levels.

Mortgage Refinance Loans

The two programs are designed to assist the federal government sponsored Making Home Affordable Program which failed to meet the desired results of helping most Americans stop foreclosure and save their homes. The combined $3 billion funding aims to improve the housing market segment by helping delinquent as well as regular borrowers make their mortgages more affordable and easier to repay. To know the specifics about the federal programs it’s suggested you avail the free non-binding counseling offered by LoanexFastCash’s attorneys who specialize in foreclosure prevention.

Hardest Hit Fund

The Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) was first announced by U.S. President Barak Obama to provide emergency financial relief to the home owners in the states affected the most by foreclosures and bankruptcies. It was needed to tackle the foreclosure and delinquency related issues at a local level, and customize the home modification and refinance programs as per the problems and conditions faced by borrowers at community levels in certain geographical areas. The HHF is to directly fund some of the states, and let them utilize the money by supporting the Making Home Affordable Program, as well as design and implement custom made and targeted unemployment programs to reduce the delinquency levels and promote mortgage loan redemption.

The HHF is available to the states which have recorded the unemployment rate at or above the national average during the past 12 months. The states which have benefited in the past through other federal debt relief programs are to use the financial resources to improve upon the unemployment levels by implementing specially designed or existing treasury approved employment generation programs as per the local community conditions. The objective is to provide temporary financial relief to eligible home owners in paying off their mortgages, and help them find employment or undertake job training.

To find out if you qualify for the HHF program, please fill up our online application form and provide us your contact details so our federal program expert can call you at your convenience, study your mortgage status and help you qualify. The services are free.

HUD Emergency Homeowners Loan Program

This program is intended to support the home owners in states and areas not covered by the HFF, and so it compliments the HHF by providing opportunities and reliefs through a “bridge loan”. A bridge loan is a special type of loan with zero percent interest, and is a non-recourse subordinate loan. According to the program various state and non-profit based institutions will offer:

  • Declining balance
  • Deferred payment loan (A bridge loan)
    Up to $50,000 and aid eligible borrowers with their:
    • Payments on their net mortgage amount (mortgage principal amount)
    • Interest rates 
    • Mortgage insurance
    • Taxes
    • Hazard insurance
Mortgage Refinance Loans

for a maximum 24 months.

To become eligible for the program the applicant should be:

  • At least 3 months delinquent in his or her payments, and be able to afford the household expenses as well as be able to make regular mortgage payments within two years
  • Owning a single home which is also the applicant’s primary residence
  • Able to show a good payment record prior to the reduction of the income

LoanexFastCash’s HHF and EHLP services

LoanexFastCash provides specialized services to individuals facing problems with their mortgages. The services include:

  • Studying the mortgagor’s particular debt conditions and the root causes responsible for it
  • Working out an effective federal mortgage repayment program that best suits your needs depending upon your monthly cash inflow
  • Negotiating with your lender to make your mortgage more affordable
  • Helping you qualify for the appropriate program

Please provide us your contact details by filling up our online application form so we can help you qualify. The services offered are free and non-binding.

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