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The Loanex Fast Cash Blog is for those among us that need both cents and a good dose of sense. As one of America's fastest growing personal finance portals, The Loanex Fast Cash is here to assist consumers with a full spectrum of their personal finance needs, including credit cards, debt consolidation, , loans, mortgages & refinancing, auto finance, bankruptcy, tax debt.
27 Aug
Posted by laura as Debt consolidation
If you read the newspapers and articles that surrounded the Affordable Care Act you’ll surely find the statistics of how many bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. Some say as high as 60% of bankruptcies result from medical bills. Medical bills being the straw that broke the camel’s back after other financial setbacks. If illness that has resulted in huge medical bills has become a problem and you are having a query of how to consolidate medical bills, then there are several avenues that you may take to work out a solution short of bankruptcy.
First, talk to your medical creditors. When you wait for them to turn you over to a collection agency you’ve already raised the odds that this problem will only escalate. If you can work out a payment plan before the bills get to be more than 90 days old you may be money ahead. Many doctor’s offices and hospitals will accept a payment agreement instead of the costs incurred by pursuing you via a collection agency or the courts.
If the bills seem insurmountable or you get a chilly reception, consider paying a medical bill negotiator who can often get bills reduced for the agreement of regular payments. Much like the reductions which insurance companies gain from hospitals and doctors they can negotiate reductions in the amount owed if you are prepared to pay a monthly payment.
Next we get into two of the more draconian ways of solving medical bills. For your question about how to get help paying medical bills, you could consider a second mortgage or home equity line of credit to wipe out the bills. For many people unsure that continuing illness or a chronic condition’s development this may not seem an acceptable solution to what could become an ongoing problem. Bankruptcy is of course a final possibility since as of this writing medical bills can still be expunged in a bankruptcy unlike credit card debts.
If you need help and advice LoanexFastCash.com has the debt consolidation, debt relief professionals to help you solve your problems. Many of them are not for profit and some are religiously based. If how to get help paying medical bills is your financial problem give us the chance to be of assistance and let us see what we can do. Our simple online application will get you the help you require.
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