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Auto Financing
For Your Next Car
Bad Credit Car Loan Lenders? We Have A Network Of Them!
Some dealers have a few lenders who are willing to make loans to those with bad credit. At The we have a nationwide network of bad credit auto lenders! Lenders, who are familiar with subprime credit scores, after bankruptcy financing and those who have a re-possession in their past, and who stand ready to provide auto financing for those seeking a fresh start!
Car loan lenders for bad credit come in several types!
- The buy here/pay here lots are frequently the first choice for buyers with bad credit, but they are not necessarily the best choice! Interest rates which are often higher than those found elsewhere, questionable business practices and a lack of credit reporting that results in no FICO score improvement for the buyer are frequently problems.
- The traditional sources like banks, credit unions and manufacturer’s credit operations are also sources but except for some credit unions are not great sources for bad credit lending!
- The network at the LoanexFastCash is another source as our dealer/lenders work in concert to provide financing for those who have bad credit. The lenders you will find here want to provide financing and if they do, you can be assured that every timely payment will be reported to at least one of the three major credit agencies.
Why choose the LoanexFastCash? That’s as easy as 1,2,3!
- No Upfront Fees, we never charge for putting you in touch with those who can help!
- Online application is simple, secure and fast! Approvals in as little as 72 Hours!
- Our Lenders are specialists, we know bad credit auto finance and how to get you that loan!
When looking for an auto lender you need to get help from someone who understands the credit issues with which you are faced. Others may promise but at the LoanexFastCash we deliver! Choosing us can be the first step on the road to your next car and the road to credit recovery!
Issues in your past needn’t cloud your future!
Give us the opportunity to be your source for bad credit auto lending! We have the network and the expertise to turn the No’s of the past into a Yes for your future! The has lenders and dealers waiting to help, contact them today!