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Auto Financing
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A 7 Year Auto Loan? Who Needs Them?
84 Month Auto Financing Isn’t for Everybody!
The idea of a seven year auto loan may not be attractive to all people but for some it fits into their lifestyle! With the increased costs of a new vehicle, average is just above 28K, many budgets were strained by car payments which seemed more like mortgage payments. The advent of the 84 month auto loan can help to reduce the financial stress. 84 month used car loans are also available for those who qualify.
Advantages of 84 Month Car Financing
So, why might you consider an 84 month car loan?
- If you drive your vehicles for longer than 5 years and the amount of the payment is a priority, 84 month financing will provide you with a lower payment.
- You need more vehicle than your budget will allow with a 60 month loan, and the 84 month payment will allow you to buy a more suitable vehicle for the same amount of money with a more conventional loan length.
The average cost of vehicles both new and used has increased, and trying to purchase a vehicle with a shorter loan period makes the payments seem more like a mortgage payment than for a car. If you are looking at a new crossover/suv the average cost is over $41,000 dollars according to the latest figures. Put that amount, even with 20% down into a payment calculator for a 60 month loan and the payment will make you wince. With an 84 month loan the savings per month is significant. Of course the interest cost is higher but if you have a fixed transportation budget and don’t get seduced by the latest new models it may be the answer to your needs.
How 7 Year Car Loan Works!
- It works best if you drive your vehicles for more than 5 years. It will take this long for you to reach a break-even point on the financing, anything sooner can find you “upside down” owing more than the car is currently worth.
- It works best if the vehicle you are purchasing will currently meet your needs now and into the foreseeable future.
- It works best if the payment is well within your budget. An 84 month loan is a lengthy one and much can change over the life of the loan. Taking out a loan now which stretches your ability to pay because you anticipate improvements may not be a wise move.
- In summary, its best if you drive your vehicles for more than 5 years, the vehicle you are purchasing meets your needs now and into the future and the payments are comfortably within your current budget.
Eighty Four Month Loans
Remember that 84 month auto loan rates interest rate will be somewhat higher because of the length of exposure for the lender and that total interest paid will be greater than that for a shorter loan term. However, if you are looking for a lower monthly payment or more vehicle for a given transportation budget, an 84 month auto loan maybe just right for you! At the LoanexFastCash a simple application on our SSL secure website will get you started.

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